Services & Pricing
I’m a caring Naturopathic Practitioner specializing in a variety of holistic treatment services that address the root causes and not just the symptoms of pains and ailments. Contact me to find out more about how I can help you.
New patient appointments.
Start our 4 phases of
healing today.
This appointment is 60-90
minutes and our most comprehensive. It is for anyone trying to get to the root cause of their health conditions.
Live and dry blood cell analysis
appointment is 30 minutes
schedule a stand alone comprehensive analysis visit. This includes 1 live blood slide, one dry
and a Zyto wellness scan.
Functional Testing
Pricing Varies
Now offering Metabolic
Testing, Stool Testing, Brainspan testing & Genetic Testing.
Zyto Scan
Infrared Sauna
Traditional Labs
Full spectrum infrared sauna with Red light therapy as an addition Help your body detox from. the inside out.
Single Sauna Session $35
$40 with red light therapy
Call for membership info.
An individualized wellness
scan designed to take the guessing out of what your body needs. Also offering Vertebrae reports for Chiropractors and Food reports if needed.
Need some traditional labs? We can send you in for routine lab work at Quest Diagnostics.